Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Le Delish Diaries: Bono Artisanal Gelato

Ice Cream is my kind of dessert. I'm not really a sweet tooth but ice cream is a sweet that I would crave from time to time. Gelato for me is a way more decadent ice cream and a good gelato can transport me to heaven and back.

I've been to Rome, Italy 3 times and every time I'm in the city center I would chow down a scoop of gelato. Now from my experience, not every gelato is equally good. Some are just really plain ice cream disguised as a gelato. I've tried a few on my first visit to Rome and didn't quite like it. On my second tip however, while walking in Piazza Navona I bumped into this tiny shop that claims to have artisanal gelato and so I got curious and tried it. The gelato shop name was Frigidarium. It does sound a little creepy but not a bit in the shop was creepy. I say its more like heavenly. They serve all kinds of flavors and I just fell in love with their Pistachio. I know you might say that it could be just any pistachio ice cream in the market. It could've been but not. It was the tastiest, most decadent, richest and creamiest pistachio gelato I've ever tried. It was divine.

After that divine gelato experience, I'm always on the look out for something that would topped that experience. And it took me by surprise that a gelato divine experience like that at Frigidarium can be found here in Manila and I shit you not.

Last Sunday, Jet and I went to Makati after coming from the SuperSale Bazaar. I've already seen Bono Artisanal Gelato every time I go to SM Makati but never tried it since I thought there would be nothing special about it. But as I read food blogs, I found out that it has good reviews and also, the owner of Bono actually studied gelato making in Italy and that got me really interested.  That being said, I dragged my fiance to have a taste of their artisanal gelato.

Php 130 for a scoop

As I was choosing my flavor, I had quite an ordeal deciding what to get. I wanted all seriously. In the end, I was in a battle between Speculoos and Cereal & Milk. The winner? Cereal & Milk and it was the perfect choice. I like how big the cereal bits were and it also had a tinge of saltiness to it. Yummmyyyy!!! It was just oh so creamy and rich and milky! I wanted a whole tub of it on my fridge every day!! It transported me to Italy and back. The experience was delicious and I promised myself that I would get a scoop every time I'm in the area or even a double.

Their ingredients are fresh and top-notch and they also make it by batches. Nothing beats good quality. I officially salute Bono Artisanal Gelato for an equally divine gelato experience like the one I had in Rome. And I'm so glad that I don't have to travel far just to get a damn good gelato. Benissimo!

So, have you tried Bono Gelato lately? Share your thoughts! 

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